Thursday, June 2, 2011

Poor Little R's Haircut

Now that R is getting a little bit bigger, her hair has grown out in an uneven fashion. Some of it (mostly on the top of her head) is quite long; most of it has fallen out. She had what looked like a monk's tonsure on the back of her head (long right around the neckline), and I felt this looked bad. So, impulsively, I decided to give her a haircut to even it out.

It did not go at all well. Apparently I have no talent as a hairdresser. Here is a picture:

and another:

As you can see, the tonsure is not completely gone. But now she also looks like she has mange. Oops!

Luckily R is too small to mind. I guess next time I will be going to a professional.


  1. LOL!!!!!!!!!! How did she take it?

  2. She doesn't seem to mind or notice (though she hated the actual haircutting process: that must be why it didn't turn out well!)

    It's lucky she is still so small!
