Friday, May 11, 2012

Off to Malacca

River through Malacca
We are taking a luxury bus to Malacca today (it's quite close to Singapore, only a few hours away).

Christ Church, built in 1785
We will be staying at the Holiday Inn (rather funny to me as I think downmarket motel when I hear 'Holiday Inn', but apparently this one is quite nice). Malacca does have a luxury heritage hotel like Penang, but it's not as nice (and only part of the hotel is housed in an old building), so I didn't feel that it was worth the extra money (especially as two hotel rooms are involved).

I am especially looking forward to eating Peranakan food (Malacca is basically their homeland), buying some Nonya beaded slippers (a famous handicraft of that culture), visiting museums, and wandering the historic center admiring St. Francis Xavier's cathedral, Dutch colonial architecture, and the oldest mosque, Hindu temple, and Chinese temple in Malaysia.

Posting will probably be light over the next few days as I maximize my historical places viewing.

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