Friday, March 5, 2010

Scheduling Problems

I don't feel like I accomplished very much today. I got up late, as I wasn't feeling well (at 10 am). Then I got dressed, ate Cheerios for breakfast and read some of Raffles; then I helped B. with emailing various people. It was now probably 12:30 or 1, and I was hungry again. So B. made sausage sandwiches and we left for the gym. Part of the way through exercising, the fire alarm went off and everyone had to evacuate; B. and I went to Jamba Juice and split a smoothie and read our books for a little while. Then we returned to the gym, finished the work out, got changed, and went to Burger King for dinner (B. had two whoppers, I had one). Then I walked B to the coffeehouse: it was now 6 pm. After taking the bus home, I puttered on the internet (including doing Farmville)and ate conversation hearts until B got home at about 10:30 or 11. He made some soup, we talked for a while, and now it's just past midnight.

Things I did today: ate (too much! I don't need so much food); exercised (that was virtuous); rode around on the bus; read; puttered. Things I should have done: cleaned the house; looked for jobs; called my parents. I feel like most days tend to be like this, where I just waste my time away on existing like a plant (getting nutrients, cleaning myself) and do not accomplish anything.

To combat this, I have attempted to make various schedules but have not really succeeded in following any of them. I will try to make a slightly changed version and follow it religiously for a few days, to see if this helps me to be more productive.


Weekdays (M-Thu.)
8 am: Wake up, get dressed, putter with Farmville/internet
9 am: Make coffee for B, wake him up. Prepare breakfast if B is not doing it. Pack for the day.
10 am: Leave the house, go to bus stop, take bus to the gym.
11 am: Arrive at the gym, change clothes, exercise.
12 pm: Exercising. Shower and change clothes.
1 pm: Leave the gym. Go home.
2 pm: Arrive home, eat lunch. Transition to being at home.
3-5 pm: Look for jobs, apply for jobs, email about jobs. OR run errands/do house chores.
5-7 pm: Look for jobs, apply for jobs, email about jobs. OR run errands/do house chores.
7-9 pm: Eat dinner once B gets home and prepares it; when not eating, read book.
9 pm: Clean up from dinner; tidy. OR engage in social activities (ie call/email people)
10 pm: Clean up from dinner; tidy. OR engage in social activities (ie call/email people)
11 pm: Internet time. Update blog.
12 am: Start to get ready for bed; possibly watch movie.
1 am: Go to bed.

8 am: Wake up, get dressed, putter with Farmville/internet
9 am: Make coffee for B, wake him up. Prepare breakfast if B is not doing it. Pack for the day.
10 am: Leave the house, go to bus stop, take bus to the gym.
11 am: Arrive at the gym, change clothes, exercise.
12 pm: Exercising. Shower and change clothes.
1 pm: Leave the gym. Go to the library.
2 pm: Look for books at the library, check out books. Give B back his card (go to coffeehouse to do this if necessary).
3 pm: Leave UCLA area, take bus home.
4 pm: Arrive home, eat a snack. Start looking for jobs.
5-7 pm: Look for jobs, apply for jobs, email about jobs.
7 pm-1 am: Eat dinner once B gets home. Do different activities than usual: ie, go out to coffeehouse, watch entire movie, go out to dinner, etc.
1 am: Get ready for bed.
2 am: Go to bed.

9 am: Wake up, get dressed. Prepare breakfast if B is not doing it. Pack for the day.
10 am: Leave the house, go to bus stop, take bus to the gym.
11 am: Arrive at the gym, change clothes, exercise.
12 pm: Exercising. Shower and change clothes.
1 pm: Leave the gym. Go to the coffeehouse with B.
2-6 pm: At the coffeehouse.
6 pm: Leave the coffeehouse, return home.
7 pm-1 am: Free time.
1 am: Go to bed.

10 am: Wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast.
11 am-5 pm: Fun activity (should plan this ahead of time)
6 pm: Return home, have dinner.
7 pm-12 pm: Read book, Internet puttering, tidy house
1 am: Go to bed.

I will try to follow this schedule as best I can. Tomorrow morning will be the Friday schedule, so I will try my best. Hopefully following this will help me to be more productive.

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