Sunday, May 1, 2011

Moving to Singapore

We will be leaving the country for at least a couple of years in early July, and moving to Singapore for B's new job (I am going to be a housewife for a while). It's going to be quite a change!

I am not as nervous about it as maybe most people would be, because we've already lived abroad in Asia (Taiwan for 2 years, China for 1 year). But it's still daunting because:

1. I have never been to Singapore, and won't until we relocate. What if I hate it? I liked Taiwan very much, and China was OK (living in a third world country has a lot of challenges), but since Singapore is a completely different country, even if the population is basically Chinese, I can't know until we get there. At least it will be very clean and have all the first world amenities (the two most challenging things about China).

2. B is going to have a high paying fancy job, which may also be high stress. Until now, he has been a student or worked in low-stress environments. The transition is going to be tough (I think he will have to get an entirely new wardrobe, for instance, since usually he just wears grubby Tshirts and shorts).

3. I am going to be a housewife, and will probably also have at least one maid/domestic worker (this is really cheap in Singapore), meaning I will be a lady who lunches. This is very strange to me, and I don't feel quite comfortable about it given my feminist upbringing. But I don't want to work until little R is older, and since I don't have to, why do it?

4. We will be very far away from my family, who I now see at least once a week. This makes me sad, because they provide me with a lot of emotional/moral support. Also, little R won't be able to see them often, which is also sad. It's so nice to see my parents and sister with little R, and to know how much they love and value her. Of course we can visit, but since the flight is about 19 hours, that is going to be challenging.

5. Moving always is horrible. I know because I have moved a lot. I am going to have to either get rid of all our possessions or arrange for international shipping, both of which will be tedious, possibly expensive, and a huge time suck. Ugh, just the thought of all the work involved makes me feel ill.

The other possible issues don't concern me that much: I figure we will sort them out. I just hope #1-4 don't become too stressful for us, and that we can adjust to happy living in Singapore. I guess I will find out!

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