Saturday, December 10, 2011

Discussing Our Child Is Fascinating

B and I have discovered an unfailingly pleasing topic of conversation: Little R. We still spend a lot of time on other topics (his research, my opinions on stuff--which are many, as evidenced by the blog, gossip, etc.), just because we spend a lot of time talking during the course of a day, but the glories of Little R are certainly high up on the list. We are both in complete agreement that Little R is the most perfect, cutest, and most brilliant child in the world. It's kind of disgusting actually, because we can easily spend 20 or 30 minutes discussing all of her remarkable and amazing qualities (even though if I was truly objective, she is a fairly normal, average baby).

In other words, we have become THAT couple, doting over their otherwise unremarkable child. (Though at this point I am tempted to argue that Little R is the exception to this cliche: she really is remarkable: just note the traces of genius in tomato baby! ) I love that I have a cooperative husband to do this with, because I find it hard to imagine anyone else would be an enthusiastic participant in these conversations. Instead, at dinner I say, "Look at Little R eating her noodles!" and B responds, "Look how well she puts them away. Little R, you are SO CUTE!" And then we go on to analyze how clever she is to hold the noodles herself.

At least we don't do this in public.

--Exercise: 1 hour gym.
--Diet: Breakfast: Cheerios with soy milk; Lunch: Pork katsu, miso soup, pickled vegetables, shredded cabbage; Snack: frappucino, 2 packets gummi bears; Dinner: Spaghetti bolognese.
--Other: Did not drink 8 glasses water; had a frappucino.

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