Sunday, October 24, 2004

Typhoon Coming

The GRE is finally over and done with, so that's a great relief. I did OK, at least on the verbal part (I'm not sure about my math sections, as I ran out of time). B felt pretty good about his test too. Now it's just a matter of waiting six weeks for the test scores.

Taiwan has been exciting lately: we've recently had two (very small) earthquakes and the typhoon Nock-Ten is currently approaching, due tomorrow or the next day. I don't know if I will have work or school tomorrow yet, because if the typhoon hits Taiwan everyone will have to stay home. I hope it does come, because then I get a mini-vacation. Due to the upcoming typhoon, we did not go for a hike today (although we did yesterday).

We went shopping today, and I bought some new clothes. Unfortunately, I seem to be lacking some important elements of female adulthood, because I am not able to shop at all well. B (!) had to give me fashion advice and dissuade me from buying really ugly green plaid pants. I wasn't sure if they were flattering or not, even though they had a strong resemblance to pajamas. In the end, I bought some other pants that are brown corduroys.

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