Monday, April 4, 2011

Pregnancy Weight

Before I got pregnant, I weighed about 135 pounds at 5'3" (although within the normal range, for aesthetic reasons I would look better at 125, what I weighed in high school). I don't own a scale, but I think I gained about 40 pounds while I was pregnant, bringing me up to around 175 pounds or maybe a little more (by far the biggest I have ever been, before that my fattest was 150 right after my college graduation).

At my last doctor's visit two weeks ago, I weighed 150 pounds, meaning I have lost about 25 pounds. I am still fat though and only fit in two pairs of my pre-pregnancy pants (one of which was the fat pair). When I look at myself in the mirror I can see rolls of fat around my waist when sitting, and my thighs have no space in the middle. I also still have a double chin. This is discouraging because I am vain and want to look better. Partly I look fatter because my breasts are huge due to breastfeeding (I was always well-endowed, probably a C cup pre-pregnancy but now they are much bigger).

However, I have never gone on a diet, since while of course they are effective at shedding pounds, depriving myself of food just makes me feel depressed and I become much more likely to gorge on unhealthy choices, just because I am not supposed to. I also have a hard time exercising (although I did go pretty consistently when pregnant) because 1. I don't like exercise; 2. My spare time is less than it used to be (although honestly I could still go to the gym if motivated) and 3. When I do have spare time, so far I have preferred to sleep or buy necessaries (groceries, etc) without taking R with me (the pediatrician advised that she not go into public until her 2-month appointment).

I think I will give myself until R is 8 weeks old (which is only about a week) and then will start going to the gym at least 3 times/week. Hopefully she will be sleeping better then and I will not be as tired from all the night waking.

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