Yesterday was R's three month birthday. She has developed a lot over the last month: she is much more social and involved in the world, and has started to like playing with me. She has discovered her hands, and loves to chew on them. She also tries to grab things, although she's usually not successful. She can occasionally hold toys for a little while, and even shake her rattle to make noise. She still loathes tummy time, although she cries less when on her stomach. Now she will frantically eat her hand to soothe herself and otherwise lie prone (probably willing me to rescue her from this terrible position). This does mean she doesn't get any exercise though.
She is a calm, flexible baby who tolerates changes to her routine very well and takes most things in stride. When she does get upset, she can be easily comforted most of the time with some snuggling and rocking. She seems to like watching things happen and will carefully study what is going on, without feeling the need to get involved herself.
She has grown more, especially her head, which is much larger than it used to be. She is also even fatter than before, with fat rolls on her arms, wrists and ankles now. She has also lost even more hair, especially off the back of her head, although the hair that remains is quite long (I will have to cut it since it looks strange now). Her eyes are now bluish-green.
Nicknames: R__fur, Little Fur, Bunbury, Grumpster, ZZ
Temperament: Calm and mellow; you like looking around and thinking your baby thoughts; you are much more cheerful now though, full of smiles when Mommy or Daddy interacts with you
Things I Could Do Without: You don't like taking naps and get grumpy from tiredness, but cannot sleep; I wish you were on a regular nap schedule. At least you sleep pretty well at night!
Item/Toy We Love the Most: Your Bumbo chair: you look like a real little person when you sit in it
Item/Toy You Love the Most: The mobile over your changing table
Things I'm Loving Most Right Now: How much you enjoy playing and interacting with me; the way you wave your arms, legs and whole body when you are excited; when you wrap your arm around me or cling to my hair/shirt as I carry you; when you are calmly observing the world around you
Things You're Loving Most Right Now: Sitting up (with help): you are obsessed with this and love doing it; trying to eat your hands; kicking your legs (you like looking at your feet as you do this)
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