Sunday, June 19, 2011

R Is Four Months Old

R turned four months old during our trip up to Washington. She has gotten cuter and more engaging each month, and over the last month has improved her cuteness still further, so that she is now completely adorable. I feel like I have definitely fallen in love with her now, and have such a good time admiring her and giving her hugs and kisses. She is much more snuggly now: previously, she didn't really enjoy being held that much unless she was tired, but now she likes it (especially if she is upset), and will wrap her little arms around me or cling to me with her hands. This is so darling!

She was smiling last month, but now she smiles all the time. If I smile widely at her, she will usually give me a delighted gummy smile back, and sometimes wiggle her whole body to express her pleasure and excitement. She also definitely prefers me and B to everyone else, reserving her biggest smiles and calmest behavior for us. She also calms down much quicker and more easily for us (especially me) than for other people. I think she really trusts me now, and feels safe when I am nearby, which is very gratifying.

Her physical skills are rapidly improving. She can now grab a wide variety of objects, and hold onto them tightly; stick her thumb in her mouth; stick her pacifier in her mouth and take it out again (although she can't do this consistently yet); sit up unsupported (briefly); grab her feet while lying on her back to play with them; stand up with support for minutes at a time; and blow spit bubbles. She also likes flapping her arms up and down rapidly, like a little bird. She rolled over four times in a row this month, but hasn't done it since, perhaps because she still screams bloody murder every single time when I put her on her stomach.

She is still a even-tempered, patient baby, who is easily comforted most of the time, even when she is hungry or tired. She does get upset when many people are fussing over her: I think she finds it a little overwhelming. She seems to strongly prefer only interacting with one or two people at once. I am not sure if this means she is a little shy/introverted, or if all babies are that way.

She continues to grow rapidly, and is visibly fatter than before. She now has a little Buddha belly and very chubby legs covered in fat rolls. She is a lot of fun to hold because now she is soft and cushy-feeling. Her hair and eyebrows are still red, but her eyes have darkened to a grey color (sad, I wanted her to have blue eyes like B). She looks a lot like B (and his father), both in features and facial expressions, and doesn't really resemble my side of the family at all at this point.

Nicknames: Fur, ZZ, Baby Bunny, Furbopkin, Grumpster Rabbit
Temperament: Even-tempered, cheerful and happy, calm
Things I Could Do Without: You are still not sleeping through the night. Sometimes you wake up many times (even every 1-2 hours), especially between 12 and 6 am. I am tired and want you to sleep!
Item/Toy We Love the Most: I am in love with your new stroller!
Item/Toy You Love the Most: Either your green ball or your rattle: you like them because they make noise when shaken and you are able to grab them easily. You have played with the green ball for up to 5 minutes at a time (a long time for a little baby!)
Things I'm Loving Most Right Now: Your increased sociability; the way you recognize and prefer me and your father; your happy smiles; how you grab onto me when you feel upset; watching you learn how to play; seeing you gain control over your body, and how triumphant you feel when you succeed.
Things You're Loving Most Right Now: Standing (with help): you are obsessed with this and want to do it constantly (sitting is so last month!); trying to chew on everything that you get into your hands, including fingers (of anyone, it doesn't matter who): it's funny to watch you open your mouth and go for the fingers like a ravenous little cannibal; grabbing your feet and playing with them; when Mommy and Daddy sing to you.

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