Friday, November 11, 2011

Blah Sick Again

After my brief illness last week, I have been on the mend. But this morning I woke up feeling incredibly tired and cruddy. I went back to bed at 8:30 while B watched little R, and slept until 9:15. That didn't help. Then little R went to an early nap at 9:30, and I returned to bed and sleep until 11:30 when she woke up. That didn't help either. At 3, she had another 1.5 hour nap, and so did I, and yet I still felt exhausted.

Once B got home at 6:45, I passed little R off to him and retired to bed while he made dinner (although actually it wasn't very restful, as little R had other ideas about what my activities ought to be, and kept trying to come visit me). She went to sleep at 8:15 to my great relief.

Hopefully I will be better tomorrow. I just hate being sick: then I fall behind in everything, the house looks terrible (B tries his best but is more or less incapable of all household chores except cooking), little R is whiny because her attention is less than usual, and B feels sad and neglected. There are no sick days when you are a housewife.

At least I have chocolate as B went out to the store to procure me some. He is a very nice husband!

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